What’s Maryland Bridge?

28 Oct

A Maryland Bridge is a minimal prep bridge that can be used as an alternative to a full bridge and as an alternative to a surgical dental implant.

Posterior Maryland Bridge in place, replacing #3
Maryland Bridge Prep, shown without Maryland Bridge
Maryland Bridge Shown being held adjacent to the Model
Maryland Bridge shown in place on the model (view 1)
Maryland Bridge shown in place on the model (view 2)
Teeth showing Maryland Bridge Prep (mirror)
Teeth with Maryland Bridge in place (lingual aspect)
Teeth with Maryland Bridge in place (highlighting facial aspect)
Teeth with Maryland Bridge in place. [The farthest back tooth visible in this picture is porcelain from the bridge.]

This case allowed a minimal prep design Maryland Bridge to be used to replace the missing 1st molar. The patient was able to tolerate this prep using a “mosquito bur,” and required no anesthetic. The prep was completed in approximately 15-minutes. 2 weeks later, we received the case back from the lab and seated it in the mouth with a process using, Met-Etch, and a Resin cement.

The patient was very happy because she did not have to receive a bone graft with a sinus lift, and she has a family history of bone healing issues. Because of her inadequate bone in the sinus area, and compounded by the fact that she has a family history of problems with bone healing, we offered a bridge. She was really very interested in a bridge, but, she did not want to prep her teeth as much as typical retainer crowns require, which is 2mm on top and 1.5mm around the outside. In her case, this left us with Posterior Maryland Bridge as our best option.

After seeing her smile in the mirror, and verifying that even in her “big” smile you could not see the metal wings, she was thrilled.

Do you need to be assessed for dental work? Make a appointment online or call us at 512-454-2744.


Dr. Russell McFarlane


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