
Broken Tooth Magic

If you have a broken tooth, this can occur due to fracture from chewing ice, or almonds. You could break your tooth from playing impact sports, e.g. football, soccer, basketball, skateboarding, and many others. One of your teeth could fracture due to undermining caries that cause a large cavitated decay under the surface of the

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31 May
Deep Bite Correction

Before and After Invisalign Class II div 2

Here is a wonderful case that illustrates how effective Invisalign can be. One of the challenges we face when completing orthodontic treatment, (formerly braces,) is the resistant idea from some patients saying to themselves or out loud, ‘A clear plastic tray couldn’t move my case.’ (or) ‘My case is too tough for clear plastic trays.’

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20 Nov

Before and After Onlay

We had a patient with a fractured tooth. Instead of covering the whole tooth with a crown, we were able to conservatively cover just the back half (distal half) of the tooth with an onlay. All photos are published with patient consent.

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Guatemala, Here We Come!

Viva Guatemala! With great excitement, I told the staff in December that I am headed back to Guatemala. I asked the critical question: “Who is coming with me?” Last time we went as a team, Prema and Lisa joined the group. This time around Jena is coming on the trip. We have a team of

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Hooray! Pay Now online!

I would like to announce our new plan to allow patients to make payments online. With my merchant services provider I have engineered a page to accept online payments from all major credit cards. The plan will include your ability to enter your payment online. We plan on continuing to send a physical invoice, which

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1600 W 38th St, Suite 402

Austin, TX 78731


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